Really? No matter how hard you try, I will not switch to Edge. I want proof!

  • 2
    it actually made quite a difference for me but I could never force myself to use edge for an extended amount of time so I've only seen like 18 hour estimates, not actual results.

    ps: this was edge vs chrome and not FF
    pps: I use Linux now, but before there were drivers for Linux I was forced to use windows.
  • 3
    LTT on YouTube have done a video on this

    Let me search for it...

    Here it is! https://youtu.be/q0112lYQBPE
  • 1
    Well.. Being tightly integrating with the mother system has its benefits...
  • 1
    @HAlex Is the methodology LTT used made public in detail somewhere? I want to test it too.
  • 3
    That's illegal, atleast in my country.
  • 1
    There's supposed to be... evidence?
  • 3
    @SAM41 Illegal in the whole EU, yup.
  • 2
    That probably just means you get stuff done 75% faster in the other browser
  • 0
    Fucking Microsoft.
  • 1
    Have you tried "chrome download" on edge browser it brings a huge card saying it's better than everyone, just try it......I can't take there ego anymore fuck them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿
  • 0
    A 75% improvement is a pretty huge fucking claim
  • 0
    @Qaldim they are explain the method really well in the video, but you'll need 4 identical brand-new pcs eh.
  • 0
    https://youtu.be/2wOz9MuwERs there you have the proof.
  • 1
    @HAlex Yes and no. Thwy explained the setup, but they lack the details.
  • 0
    @dontbeevil ya something like that
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