A set of common utilities for node.js, things like better logging, password hashing

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Existing open source project

A set of common utilities for node.js, things like better logging, password hashing

This is a set of utility functions that allow for speeding up the development of node.js applications and allow for accurate logging within the application
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  • 1
    @AlexDeLarge they are supposed to now. Eventually we’re going to remove the collabs tab from the tab bar and with rant types fully implemented it will make more sense that they are in main feed than it does now.
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    Imo it would be a better idea to make a large "essentials" package from the already existing npm modules already which do this rather than reinventing the wheel and adding to the clutter of npm. Really I think the basics, and a hell of a lot above that, is already in the standard library or available via npm
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    @AlexDeLarge In addition, node is fairly easy to develop with. I have countless 30 minute projects, my favorite (and probably the most simple) being a print function which outputs text to the console and if the log argument is true, also outputs it to a log file (otherwise, just to the console). Probably the most useable function I ever made in node and it was 20-ish lines.
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    @AlgoRythm there are a lot of reasons it was written the way it was, relying on dependencies for a utility library has a lot of disadvantages, namely if the interface changes or you require a different version, it breaks a lot more, for libraries that are pretty standardised and have been around for a while it makes sense to depend on them but some functionality it's really silly to have a library for that on its own
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    Submitted a pull request :)
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    @biskazz Thanks :D It's been merged into master
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    @biskazz it's also now live on npm
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