Quite new here. Is this more of a "I fkud up things, wanna here them" community or can questions to specific problems be asked here too?

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    I've got quite a few tips on how to avoid my fuck-ups the next time after I've mentioned them here. So a bit of both worlds perhaps?
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    @haabe never thought about that ^^
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    @SirWindfield this is basically where you'll learn how not to be "that guy" in office politics, socially, and in code. But basically this place is more like a virtual water-cooler.
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    It's not Stack overflow but I tend to learn anyway just because I hear about others mistakes, come across about interesting libraries I've missed etc.
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    @Elkstorm I am not that fan of so. I never got a good answer out of it...
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    Welcome to devRant! It has grown to both. Fun, you can ask questions, learn about the strengths and weaknesses of products and much more.

    As far as SO it has its usefulness but the community is not nearly as nice as devRant.
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    @Jumpshot44 that's true. Really like it here. Gonna stick for a while for sure ^^
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    I really appreciate the "nice" part of devrant. It's a bit rare.
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