
I was working for a web company as an intern and they had maintained a lot of high profile websites like celeberties, government and radio/tv. I recieve 2 mails with news updates from the clients pretty much at the same time.

One was a formal call for a campaign of one of our biggest clients, and the other was from of our small clients that was into cat breeding.

Since we use our custom cms for all the sites I sucked at multitasking back then - I published the news on the wrong sites so for a good hour i made our high profile client a cat breeder...

  • 1
    My rule of sexting, which applies in your case too: always look at the title before pressing send/submit/save 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  • 0
    @thedev oh believe me - i'm a sound supporter of that rule xD
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