
Is Pokemon GO programmed using cross-platform technologies or is it natively coded to both Android in Java and in Swift for iOS?

  • 1
    Probably cross platform. The lab that wrote the app published Ingress too. I just don't thnk that they coded 4 apps in total (for iOS 2 and for Android 2). There all frameworks that can be used for A LOT of platforms (like libgdx for example). There might be a possibilty to write some "template code" that gets compiled to an iOX app and Android app. Not sure here tho...
  • 0
    Xamarin can be used for bth platforms. Just found another post aking for that
  • 0
    They probably used Unity. I doubt they could make a 3D game with Xamarin
  • 0
    The game on iOS has a "made with unity" splash screen
  • 0
    it's made with unity, plus some custom java/c++ code. But it can be made 100 in unity or any other 3d game engine.
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