
My boss knows nothing about development. JUST buzzwords.

*in regards to a project* Boss: "just write it in PHP; it'll be easy!"

Me: "you know PHP?"

Boss (fully serious): "...enough to be dangerous."

He has never written a line of code in his life, let alone has any clue about what PHP does. Whenever I want to fuel my rage, I think about this moment.

  • 4
    Yeah. I feel your pain. I worked for some big corporations where we had meeting professionals. They wandered our multitude of comfy meeting rooms all day - one conference room had a real gold ceiling - real gold! They were truly experts with buzzwords but unfortunately did not have practical knowledge.

    Hang in there. Buzz-wordians usually get called out.😉
  • 1
    Everyone in my office hears and uses the term API like it's as easy as logging into Facebook. Some are super easy if someone else has already built a system-to-system integration. We deal with a lot of vendors who don't, so I have to build out logic code for how we do things in our company. But they think it's just adding the API info to a page and it magically works.
  • 3
    @MadHatrix Exactly the same at my job too - just plain ignorance all around. I can't do this without totally looking like an asshole, but sometimes I just want to push their faces to my monitor and scream "LOOK. DO YOU SEE THIS? DO YOU SEE WHAT I'M DOING? FOR THE COMMON PERSON, NONE OF WHAT YOU SEE MAKES ANY SENSE AT ALL. FEEL BAD FOR ME THAT IM BURDENED WITH THIS KIND OF WORK."
  • 1
    @iamnull a thousand yeses. I'm sure one of these days, one of them will say 'api', 'shouldn't take long' or 'should be easy' and I'm gonna lose it, throw chairs and walk away...
  • 0
    My last boss said the exact same thing... Ya I don't work for him anymore.
  • 0
    Haha I totally get you. I once had a very complex sql procedure run which kind of took time to process due to the shitty server. The Buzzword manager guy was like 'Why don't you do it with the Hadoop man'. What the actual fuck :D Servers can't even process an sql query and this guy talks about Hadoop, after eaves dropping someone talking about it .
  • 1
    I think this is his twitter account https://twitter.com/php_ceo
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