
The line between developer and designer is becoming more blurred and I love it.

  • 2
    Why do you love it? *curious*

    To me they are two entirely different jobs with different responsibilities, and as a developer I don't feel like my responsibility is ever to design the UI, just implement it.
  • 4
    I love it in the sense that it's more accessible for a developer like me to create visually stunning apps.

    Between designer tools becoming more stream lined for software development (like Sketch), and large collections of pre-compiled UI kits, you don't have to be a trained designer to make pretty apps.

    I'd hate it if I was assigned at work to design, though. For personal projects it's great!
  • 5
    Ah, I see what you mean and I totally agree!
  • 1
    It depends, because I hate graphic design. But, I don't mind building mockups with Bootstrap.
  • 0
    I have no visual arts capabilities. So things I build are never pretty. 😔
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