one of the disadvantages of not using windows is no blue screen, another one is high learning rate.

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    What do you use instead? Some linux distros can have a high learning curve, I guess. A tip is to not try to do stuff "the Windows way", just try to forget how you did stuff in Windows. It'll make it easier to accept the way it's done in your new OS.
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    @simeg it was a sarcastic rant. from last 10 years I am using fedora. tried many distros but fall in love with it and from last two years I am cheating on it with os x. I love both of them. doesnt miss windows even for a bit. every thing runs smoothly. and learning is like awesome as always.
  • 1
    @rookiemaverick Ah, sorry I didn't get the sarcasm. I broke up with Windows 6 years ago and I never think of her anymore. We always had problems and nothing was ever easy. Nowadays with OS X everything just feels so natural and smooth! ;)
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    @simeg right choice mate. do u use brew a lot or switch to vm from time to time?
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    @rookiemaverick I don't use any VM. I use brew from time to time, it's very handy.
  • 0
    @simeg cool.
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