
Hoo lets do this app on windows with Visual Studio, never done windows desktop apps and I want to learn :D
2 days later : boot -> linux -> eclipse -> files -> new Java project. πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘

Not for me sorry...

  • 0
    I'm curious, what went wrong?

    C# is a lot like Java, so that shouldn't be much of an issue. So that leaves modern UI or VB.
  • 2
    WNS, I know that it should be easy but in 2-3days of try I could not make it work (I'v add push notification on chrome, firefox, Android but impossible on windows...) so I have done the app on linux and build my notification system with my server and it works Well :)
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  • 0
    Ah, yeah can imagine that turning sticky. I haven't been impressed with the UWP documentation available.
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