Went to see Jason Bourne last night. No spoilers, but I'm guessing this is how the writers came up with the story:

Writer 1: Let's make it super techie
W2: Yeah, that way it's about current issues, like Internet privacy.
W1: Should we hire a tech consultant so we get things right?
W2: Nah, I saw the Matrix once, I understand computers.

Actual line from film:
"Use SQL to corrupt their database"

  • 4
    And thus SkyNet was born.
  • 2
    This is a Unix system. I know this.
  • 1
    ...there's a new Bourne film?!
  • 9
    " use a gui to hack his ip"
  • 6
    maybe SQL injection?
  • 1
    They still make Bourne movies?
  • 13
    To be fair you can use SQL to corrupt a database. But I see your point. Mr robot is the only show that's come close to getting tech right.
  • 1
    Maybe you need a tech consultant if you didn't know that SQL can be used to corrupt a database.
  • 1
    @hailhydra it was a throw away line said in another language by an extra that they chose to make a subtitle of. No context or purpose. I realise you can use SQL to corrupt a database, it was funny to me because that's what they chose to make it seem like they knew what they were talking about.

    Also it was one of many terrible lines, they even had the classic "They're in the mainframe!". They played all the hits.
  • 0
    @jared-porter you do know mainframes are actually still a thing?
  • 2
    @jared-porter and actually, they look pretty bad ass:
    reminds me of a Lamborghini, or the batmobile from the newer films :-)
  • 6
    @ThomasRedstone Yes I am aware. All I'm saying is just think of all the cliché things they do/say in films. Now put them all together. That was this film.

    I know mainframes are still a thing and SQL can be used to corrupt a database. It's the way they're used, with little to no context, as a way to imply they know what they're doing that annoys.

    It's lazy and bad writing for a film revolving around technology. They could/should have done better than that.
  • 1
    This could be a worse hack than Snowden... STFU. Cut the hardlines. The mainframe is under attack. This is UNIX. I know this.
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