Another fucking twat asking for a responsive html email when they are targeting outlook. IT USES THAT HEAP IF SHIT WORD AS A RENDERING ENGINE WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THAT! It's bad enough having to code them up using fucking tables and spacer gifs. Why do IT people stick religiously to Microsoft heap of shit applications... Oh I know it's because they are so fucking shit that it needs a full time twat just to get them through the fucking day. Fuck Microsoft. I guess you can sense I'm having a bad day, especially when my broadband decides to pack in, on and off all fucking day and the support twat puts me on hold then fucks off. FML

  • 2
    I object to being referred to as a Twat because I'm IT manager for my company but I agree MS products could be better
  • 2
    Good rant paired with truth and wisdom 👍🏽
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    genuinely had to check to see if you were a colleague of mine. going through the same crap. "here, make this thing which isn't supported by outlook ... also, make sure it looks good in outlook". there must be a better way than tables and images ... it's 2016 for Christ's sake!
  • 1
    Aaaaaaah. FUCK responsive emails.
  • 2
    That is one fine rant right there.
  • 0
    @booshi What version of outlook is making problems? I'm curious because I don't see problems with mine, except it's a bit slow
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    You don't know you're born... 😒
  • 1
    Think positively :) at least it wasn't Lotus Notes they were targetting. That is another level of nightmare right there.
  • 1
    @drRoss I was a master of the table layouts even at the end of the last century, it pissed me off then I don't want to be still doing it in 2016. Fortunately I don't do loads of html emails.
  • 1
    Just say no.
  • 1
    This is truly a rant and yes that it complete BS
  • 0
    It's possible to edit received mails on Outlook (desktop). Really useful feature actually.
  • 1
    @juzles the problem is Outlook's support for styling for html emails. take a look at how many not green ticks there are https://campaignmonitor.com/css/
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