Should I break up with Sublime Text for more intimate relationship with Vim?

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    have u tried cheating?
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    I want to give my full attention tho..
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    I am in open relationship with brackets and vi. when I am hanging out at terminal I spend time with vi else brackets.
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    Aah, the grass is always greener... Isn't Sublime the cool girlfriend, whereas Vi is the kind of wife who demands you to do it her way, and only her way, even though you know that the way you have always done it is better..
    It might just be that people who are married to Vi will tell you that her ways are actually better, but you have to ask yourself, do they say that because it is true, or because they have sacrificed so much for their relationship that they have to rationalize it to themselves to not lose their minds?
    But what do I know, I'm dating Nano. She's wonderfully simple, but she's perhaps not the most sophisticated partner.
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    @siljamicke lol dude
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    Vi will vi will rock you..

    I'd say, use whatever tool is better for the job :)

    I'm pretty sure that there is a "vi mode" package for sublime.. Somewhere.. Incase you fancy :p
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    @lotd It mostly about that I can't get good C/C++ autocomplete in ST.
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    @Glamhoth that I don't know much about.

    Have you checked packagecontrol.io? :D
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    Yes, still, there is nothing i need :(
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    Just use the rsub plugin for Sublime, then you can open files remotely in Sublime just like with a CLI editor. I use it all the time to edit Linux files through SSH while working from my Windows workstation.
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    I want to but every time I try I give up in between
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    No, it's a trap! Literally.
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    Atom is my wife and vim is the functional, intermittently-convenient, visually austere nanny.
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    I have used many IDEs or text editors, then a colleague of mine suggested linux and vim. It was something new so I gave it a try. Since then years have passed and I would say I found a new perspective in coding. My productivity went up at least 10%, because vim is just that awesome when you learn a lot (you will never know everything :)
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    @siljamicke vim does not force to do it 'her way', its just that when you want to use her strengths, her way is the only one that makes sense :) but you still can configure it to open in insert mode if you please
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    vs code is more of a hipster kind of girlfriend
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    To carry the analogy far too far, you @sage strike me as a wild party animal that's "been around" and "slept with them all" only to have been picked up by a stern woman who has straightened you up and made a responsible man out of you.

    But seriously though, I only tried to make a joke, I really see how Vi/Vim is superior to anything else. But the threshold just seems so dauntingly high. I've gone to bed with her at least three times, only to come screaming out of the bedroom each time.
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    @siljamicke to be fair, i mostly write back-end scripts, so i use tmux+vim combinations on multiple servers (i get around a lot), which takes the cake from any other approach in this scenario. it gets much more complicated in other environments, but for me it just is too slow working in anything else now :) even when i try something else, it is just not that fast
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    Check out Neovim for full asynchronous awesome.
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    @mikaelm great suggestion!
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    @sage, I'm just jealous of you gurus! 😀
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    @sage dude, any good tutorial, book, you name it, you'd recommend for learning Vim?
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    @siljamicke I just hit 25 years, dunno if I am a guru :)
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    @cesc1989 http://vim-adventures.com/ its a fun game to learn basics... you can go further but i think it asks for money later on. for anything further, just try man page or google :)
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