This is why I never do design...

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    I find illustrator easier than photoshop. (In terms of designing elements)
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    i design in my imagination
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    90 degree angle == 359.99 degrees?? what dafuq
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    My OCD trying its best not to freak the fuck out here! 😱
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    Pro-tip: move cursor far from origin while rotating (zoom out if you must) to get a finer 'resolution' on the rotate, getting that last 0.01%. 🤗 Rage averted!
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    @pixeltherapy or degree even 😱
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    First time using illustrator there. thought it must be a better way. Left it like that so in an alternate world kittens are probably burning because of that 0.01%.
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    @routterrr In that case, you can also:
    - use the Transform panel and just punch the numbers in.
    - use a keyboard shortcut to force snap while transforming.

    I have a lot of love for Illustrator. It took a while though, for at least a decade my rant was "CorelDRAW did bézier curves better!"... which is still true but I've now accepted that our fates are entwined.
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