The unquestionable horror of using a Windows keyboard on a Mac...ugh!

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    Never tried that, but have tried to connect to my brothers Mac from my windows computer via TeamViewer and it usually ends with me screaming 😃
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    I bought a Windows keyboard to use with my Mac - I just remapped the keys to function as a Mac keyboard would. Difficult to find a mechanical keyboard for Mac in New Zealand :)
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    At my school we used the do the most insane exam thinkable: a test regarding OS'es: Windows and Linux...in...VM's on a Mac! You had to use Linux and Windows during the same exam with a mac keyboard.
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    I use it daily!
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    I'm sitting here wondering what the hell is "questionable horror"?
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    @manrock007 The opposite of what you're doing :D
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    My boss does that on purpose
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