
Some time ago a salesman tried to sell me a super revolutionary solution. He introduced it with "today everyone will tell you that in order to save money you must move your servers and IT infrastructure on the CLOUD (big emphasis on the word) but we offer you a different approach: 'the on premise cloud'"
😶"so, you're basically telling me to replace my local machines with other local machines?"
😎"you don't see the whole picture: It's the cloud but INSIDE your company"

Am I dumb and I didn't see the obvious technology leap he was offering me?

  • 3
    Well here's offering this new thing, cloud. right now you probably just host some applications on those old janky servers, but imagine a world where the software you build is accessed by all, you know, software as a service. 😃

    Run him out with pitchforks, "you'll see the cloud soon enough..."
  • 5
    It's ok if you didn't get it. His sales pitch was designed for some IT illiterate middle manager
  • 1
    Lol try this new thing that everyone was doing 10 years ago!
  • 1
    Isn't this basically the "fog", wait bad name that John carpenter horror movie with the pirates. Hrm ok the "mist" wait no, that Stephen King book/movie about the aliens...

    Sod it just keep using the cloud.
  • 0
    I've always told people that the cloud is just other people's computers running your stuff. so a private on premise cloud is just your computer's running your stuff....
  • 0
    Might be explaining VMs badly. After moving all our infrastructure to a few VM hypervisors we've been enjoying it a lot. Hardware out of warranty? We can have all the VMs moved to its replacement in less than a day.
  • 2
    The 'technology leap' he's offering you is a private cloud. For example, the Azure Stack is a private cloud because it allows you to move your applications to a public cloud infrastructure BEFORE you're actually ready to move it completely to the public cloud. The transition would be smooth as it's based on the same technologies. You could just keep it on prem forever, like OpenStack, but the choice is yours.
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