Sometimes i wonder, why do big companies write horrible api, it feels like they don't want beginners to even touch them 😒

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    Probably because of some dick measuring contest among the engineers to display every software engineering tricks and architectural design skills to impress the uber tech and computer scientists that are in the management ranks.

    The UNIX folks got it down with Keep it simple and stupid principle. C and Python folks are another excellent examples of good people who achieved good balance between architecture and the human usage of the architecture.

    A lot of things nowadays are designed for design sake. Is there any reason why Android SDK can't be designed To be more tersely with common well established idioms, keywords and convention? Sure it can. NativeScript is an example of that. But noooo, it has to be weird and complicated because we can!!!!
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    Google calendar. I had such a hard time taking the events of the user into my app even after authenticating with OAuth. Not going back there again!
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    What's really fun is when you have to integrate with social media APIs. Not a single one of them keeps their documentation up to date and sometimes the documentation is just flat out wrong. I've lost many hours trying to figure out why certain end points kept giving me errors until I figured out that the docs were telling me to pass deprecated fields. 😑
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