My coworker can't be bothered with learning git branching, so he comments out significant functionality during testing and then comments it back in before go-live. What could possibly go wrong?

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    Oh, I forgot the best part. He's supposed to be my tech lead. Just kill me.
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    Ugh that's terrible. Creative, but Terrible lol.

    At my company we don't use branches at all. We just make sure not to work on the same area as one another.
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    @champion01 why? git is not that hard to learn and using it well will make everyone's lives so much easier... really.
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    @palecio we use SVN and don't have more than 2-3 Devs working on the site, all on different sections.

    I think it's mostly out of laziness and that we don't get merge conflicts often. When we do, they are a bitch, but you solve them.
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    @champion01 - this makes me cringe a bit. Even if you all work out of the same branch you really do at very least need a production branch that stays pristine between releases and a development branch that you actively work on updates.

    What happens if you're in the middle of a new feature but discover a critical bug that needs a hot fix?
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    @Swifticus in that situation, we we go to one of our other environments like UAT/Qa instead of local or dev to do the hotfix, then build to production.

    I totally agree with you and yes this is cringe and bad practice for so many reasons lol.

    I'm going to start doing branches, no more of only master! 😁. No excuse for not using branches. I agree
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    @champion01 - I know it can be tough to implement change even if it's good change. Good luck and stay strong!
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