
Quick question: does anybody here ever streamed @ livecoding.tv?

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    2 times, for half an hour... Still counts, right? 😂
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    @P3t3r6 yeah yeah, do you receive like random followers? I've been receiving random followers now and then and I'm almost sure it's fake accounts created by livecoding to catch our attention..
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    Ohh... Idk about that. I streamed a long time ago, but I don't remember seeing any spam... But it could be, either livecoding ou just random spam bots, yea...
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    Either it is livecoding or every person that follows me uses the default profile settings.. Thanks anyway
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    @NoNameCode What's wrong with it?
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    I stream 4 hour hack sessions with some friends occasionally and usually gain random followers and viewers. They all seem fairly active tho and viewers fairly often talk/ask questions in the chat.
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    @addlinny I got a few followers that are legit but I havent streamed in a while and I'm receiving like 2 new followers per week all with similar profiles
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    @NoNameCode are you planning on streaming?
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