
I can't take this Swift compile time anymore. It's up to 40 minutes now and all we can say is "optimize the code" and "get faster computers"

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    Are you using CocoaPods?
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    I'm guessing you have quite a few dependencies as well. The problem with CocoaPods + Swift is that you have to use the '!use_frameworks' directive, which means all your dependencies are compiled into a Pods framework. This process is not optimised by Xcode (I'm guessing it assumes a framework is third-party software that should be messed with), leading to both longer compilations and slower app launches (the whole framework needs to be loaded into memory at once).
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    My advice to you is:

    1- have fewer dependencies, if possible
    2- use git modules if #1 above fails

    I know git modules are a pain in a lot of parts of the body. However, I honestly think the cost of using dependencies must be on the developer, not on the user.
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    * shouldn't
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    @BellAppLab I'll talk to my buds in charge of managing the workspace. I believe we're already ignoring the frameworks. Modulizing might help but with short deadlines the major refactor required would get us fired probably. And you're right we've got a lot of dependencies.
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