
Hardest part of starting a project: Picking a name.

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    If you guys want to help me out.

    I want to create a generic scheduling/process server which you can configure all kinds of processes and triggers with an extensive plugin framework. (Think about cron jobs, regular benchmarks, backups, continuous integration)
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    @ChappIO The all seeying eye.

    A long time ago, long before Steam empire, there was this piece of software that could list all online servers of a game, along with the current players, stats and map being played. You could also join the game straight from there, no need to manually open the game, list the IP and so on... It was called The All Seeying Eye.

    Not sure if it fits your definition, but I miss these kinds of names from old software - today it is all about catchy, startupy two-max syllable names that stick in your mind as quickly as you forget them.

    Good luck with your work :)
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    @alandemaria I love that idea. You're they are easy to remember but not very impactfull.

    I might look more in the direction you suggested.
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    @ChappIO let me know when you find a name 😉
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    I am considering 'ChappIO Commander'
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    ChappIO Genuine Task Scheduler 2016 Build 1224
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    What about "ChappIO Not-To-Do"? :p
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    and creating a nice icon. ;-)
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    I already ranted about this m8. But just as a tip: I usually use latin nouns as filler names until I think of a better one
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    Unless that project is a JavaScript library. in which case: "noun".js
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    I just usually name them something along the lines of "asdgdasgadf" until I figure something better out.
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    name it : Panopticon as it monitors and controls things ( processes...).
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    @ChappIO Wow. You just gave me Mohaa flashbacks!
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    Anyone any feedback on simply: Processable?
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    My way is try1 try2... or if I'm trying a new language or framework tryPy tryElectron...😂😂
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