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    @galaxyfinder1 I'm still in University so I'm talking about my classmates. They are egoistic retarded fuckers who only wants my codes. They look at my codes for "reference", then they copy it line by line. WTF. I also have this classmate who "pretends" to understand what the professor is teaching us. It fucking drives me crazy.
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    @thatSomeGuy now i understand
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    @galaxyfinder1 I swear, on my class, there is only a handful of us who can code. Everyone else either copy source codes from the internet or copy them from someone...
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    I was told by someone that a CS degree is easy. I asked why and he told me a friend did it. His friend apparently just copied someone else's code.
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    I have a coworker who sits next to me while I code so he can say "we" wrote it
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    if JS uglify minify share , other language : obfuscate share.
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    I only shared code with those I knew could code, and usually better than me. For the others I spent many hours helping them break down the problem so they could solve it. I swear I completed my degree twice.
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    during my cs exam I solved both my exam and my colleague's because it was boring
    he got a 10 , I got a 9. fml
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    @thatSomeGuy Had this problem before. One of my "buddy" really wanted the src code of a small project because he didn't wanted to fail. Gave him as I didn't want him to fail.

    Found my code in probably 20+ people's project. Changed mine here and there later so I don't get busted by professor
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