
That moment when you ask your father for a mac to code ios apps and he asks why don't you use the existing PC?

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    *Subtly points at Xamarin*
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    VMs are great for that. I say that as a macbook owner.
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    First of all, sorry for the long post:

    I have 2 macOS Sierra VMs to learn Swift and iOS development, set up on Windows 10 machines (yeah, definitely best OS M$ made) one on 6yr old lenovo laptop (i5 2nd gen,6gb ram, ssd, hd3000) and 1yr old Fujitsu (i5 3rd gen, 6gb ram, hdd, hd3000)

    Both machines have VM images on HDD, works not as fast as if it was a hackintosh on ssd, if you want hackintosh it just remember to have i3/i5/i7 and Intel graphics or supported graphics card using kexts

    I recommend tonymacx86.com forum if you need any help with setting up hackintosh

    PS. I'm currently saving up money for Macbook Pro retina 13" but I am a CS student and tbh I don't need it now (maybe in 2-3 yrs time when I switch to Unix/Linux completely, now my Study requires at least one Windows machine to learn WinAPI :( )
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