
So they took away our offices in favour of an open layout. This would have been fine if it was just us 3 devs and the manager, but we're sharing a space with network techs, help desk, the manager's secretary and an Accounts department all with little to no separation.

I'm now in the midst of incessant ringing of phones, idle chatter and raucous laughter with nowhere to retreat to for silence; I have no idea how/when I'm going to get any work done now. 😥😞

The organisation I work for is a f**king joke when it comes to management making any kind of logical decision.

  • 1
    Why did they think the open layout would make you more productive and happy??
  • 6
    headphones. damn good ear-covering headphones. Thats how i do it.
  • 4
    @knuppelsmurf And the noise canceling one. We all ordered them on company expenses when they moved us to openspace in my previous job. My manager was great and understood.
  • 0
    @miska really? I find those noise cancelling things actually generate a lot of white noise. Which make/model are you using? And whats your experience with them?
  • 1
    @knuppelsmurf Something bluetooth from Sony (I like to spin on my chair, helps relaxing). My colleague had better ones (more blocking) but don't remember the brand. Mine blocks aircondition well and tune down other noises as well. Doesn't get rid of them, but I don't have to crank up the volume that much. I have a button to turn it on and off and it takes low sound out of world and even higher sounds are not that loud suddenly. Didn't notice any white noise, but I'm listening the music most of the time anyway. As the noise cancelling doesn't get rid of everything completely.
  • 2
    @miska sony bluetooth something, got it. thanks!
  • 1
    Thanks for the suggestions guys. Looks like I'm going to have to learn to code while listening to music after all. That is, of course, unless our Hitler-esqu CEO says they're not allowed. There isn't much you are allowed to do to make your workspace comfortable in this place.
  • 2
    I could not get through a workday without headphones. Tell them you have misophonia and they are required.
  • 1
    My floor is moving towards the open layout too, mine and 3 other pods are the last ones with walls. We're trying to delay our fate by hanging large (required to be visible) posters and using the whiteboards on the walls for flowcharts.
    The open layout doesn't provide any more benefits than the pod layout. Stupid managers!
  • 3
    Open offices increase productivity, didn't ya know? Two people are loudly productive and the rest can't concentrate.

    +1 headphones and instrumental music
  • 0
    I work in the same kind of environment. Headphones are a must.
  • 0
    @edisonn that sounds like quiters talk, giving up on wanting/ needing personal space for coding.
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