"Next time, well do it properly from the start." - Every team, at the end of every project.

  • 4
    It takes people who are motivated to enforce professionalism. And i dont mean enforce in the sense of rigorous processes. I mean encouraging people to take pride in their craft. We dont want programmers, we want engineers and craftsmen. Think about how a surgeon behaves while performing open heart surgery. He has an impending deadline, literally. But he still moves carefully and deliberately. He takes his time. He follows his disciplines, not exactly by the book but close to it. He doesnt behave like the average programmer: "eeh lets try shoving this in here.... OMG WHY WONT YOU WORK....screw it ill do it this way, its hacky but who cares if it works"
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    @HarambeJS what steps can you take when not even your seniors have this attitude?
  • 1
    @RobertBickers The best you can do here is make yourself heard. Make sure they are aware of your opinions and concerns. If they arent taking it on board then you should escalate it to your PM that senior members of the team are ignoring/disregarding your input. If that doesnt get things moving then that person is not a very good Project Manager. basically escalate to PM -> Delivery Manager -> Higher.
    If none of that works then its an attitude that runs deep in the company and it might be time to leave.
  • 1
    @HarambeJS thanks for your input, I appreciate it.
  • 3
    "where did it go so wrong?"
    At about an hour and a half through the first day.
  • 1
    true on every post mortem meeting lel
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