
What should I do if a coworker is always trying to pawn off their work on me? Whenever a bug is found, she'll always try to throw it in my court (via passive-aggressive-reply-all emails) even though its 90% of the time, some shit she wrote. I'd rather not go to my boss, because it feels like whining. But confronting her has been difficult because she works remote, is more senior than me, and there is a slight language barrier. Honestly, I think she pretends to know less English than she does, to ignore my emails...

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    Go to your boss and state it as a business problem rather than an annoyance. "How do we, as a business, waste less time debugging poor quality code?"

    Bring some solutions, i.e. assigning task responsibility, improving workflow, unit testing, coding standards etc. all from a cost of business viewpoint.

    The end goal is that the co-worker is responsible for ensuring a minimum standard in their code which makes it easier for you to bounce the problem back or easier to debug if you end up doing it anyway.

    Don't let it fester, it'll eat you up!
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    Thx man, it is eating me up, good advice. A clever social hack to make it about the bottom line instead of my coworker being a twat lol. It doesn't help that we don't have any QAs or PMs. Which would be fine if everyone was motivated to handle their own shit, but apparently not...
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    I'd just say I was busy, or I could look at it in two days.

    That usually does it.
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    @chrizzle I pretty much ended up doing that because my boss is out today
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    if you think you're right, call her out... if you're not sure, don't hit reply all, but if that doesn't work let everyone else know that you're the competent one via the same reply all tactics...

    if you always back off because she's 'senior' it will drive you nuts because you know you're right. Be assertive and demand her respect by showing off your competence
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    I have a coworker who's similar and I worked my ass off so that I earned a reputation as being a hard worker (but also humble and respectful)... I ended up blowing up at the guy one day, he ratted me out to my boss but my boss told me that he would be taking the other guy off the project and make me lead dev...
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