When you have no work all week long because you finish 3x as fast as the estimates. You ask for more work, and due to "red tape" you can't even work on the back log.

Time to sit and look busy :).

Sadly, this is too common for me... I want to be buried in code and tasks! Not sit and twiddle my thumbs.

  • 4
    Congrats! You have skill and a great attitude. The road to success is in front of you.
  • 0
    @Jumpshot44 thanks! I wasn't expecting a comment like that! I appreciate the nice words! This community is awesome.
  • 1
    I also have the same problem. I use to purposefully not start actually working until after lunch because I kept finishing all of my tickets way too soon. I finally started a second project.. it's been better but I still have days where I do nothing.

    I usually just ask the slow developer of he needs help too.
  • 2
    Why don't you estimate properly?
  • 2
    Contribute to open source. When you end up working so much you're computer never sees anything but version control, text editors and task management apps... you'll long for this day. Promise
  • 0
    @mossaddeque it's not my estimates. It's the sprints. My manager makes the estimates and we have limited QA so we can't squeeze to much in a sprint. If we squeeze in to much, then QA takes to long and we need to present more things to business. Also, everything we do has to be "approved" so hence the "red tape". I can't work on as much as I'd like unfortunately
  • 3
    @ardinent those are happy days!! Contributing to open source is crucial. I just feel like
    I can't work on "non-work" things like that at work. Great advice!! Monitors filled with code is always good
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