
We just launched our new stories feature! If you go to the "stories" section, you'll see only rants that are over 70 words and you'll be able to easily enjoy the best long-form rants on devRant!

Just to clarify - all functionality is remaining the same. The main feed will still show all rants. Stories just makes it easier to find fun rants that involve more detailed stories/ranting and helps give them some more exposure.

We hope you enjoy! Feel free to comment here if you have any questions/suggestions about this.

  • 2
    Awesome, looking forward to it. :)
  • 1
    Cool man!
  • 4
    @dfox can you make a non-stories category for when people browse devRant in a break time or a limited of time(5-10 minutes maybe) so that we can read a variety of rants. devRant is a great job, keep up the good work 👍👍
  • 5
    @enjoythecode Thanks! What's the difference between that and the main feed as it is currently?
  • 2
    @dfox How do you store the rants? Are these TEXT or CLOB's? Is it even a relational DB?

    Also, maybe a feature like stories where you only enlist rants with images in them? Some of the ones ive seen are really funny, love to see more of those.

    And maybe another category (filter) for very short rants (maybe less than 25 words ?)

    devRant FTW!! Keep it up
  • 4
    @antons good ideas, we'll definitely consider those! Thank you.

    As for storage - no relational database. We use Neo4j as our primary datastore.
  • 2
    @dfox if rant.length() < storiesCharacterLimit it will be in a new category so it will exclude any rant that is a story. So we will be able to read more rants when we have little time.
  • 3
    Omg and you don't have to click the 'read more...' on the long rant to see it all cause it's all there! Brilliant 😃
  • 1
    Really good idea, really well implemented.
  • 0
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