
Now I have a Course called "Microprocessor and Assembly Language" this semester. I'm not understanding much of it from the classes (I don't find our teacher very good at teaching). So couple of days ago she says we have to submit projects at the end of this semester and it must be something related to hardware, not software(as she thinks Assembly is a language for Hardware). Now I have to submit a proposal to her very soon with an idea for the project. I'm killing myself over it but can't find any idea. Can anyone help me regarding this matter?

  • 3
    What are the others building?
  • 4
    Well, are they providing any specific hardware / eval boards, or is it completely up to you? In the latter case, maybe just get your hands on an Arduino, kill the stupid bootloader and start coding something simple like an LED flasher or PWM dimmer using AVR assembler. In case you're already experienced in hardware design, skip the Arduino and build your own µC circuit...
  • 3
    @heyheni I don't know yet what others are building. But I'm also not very good at communicating with others. But I'll try to find out.
  • 1
    @shredEngineer No, they are not providing anything. It's totally up to me. And I'm also not experienced with Hardware. Thanks for your ideas though but I'm thinking of something more useful ideas. Doing things with LEDs and things like that, not a fan of these kind of things. It's like a "Hello World" program in Hardware. Can you give me anything more realistic?
  • 3
    Alright, how about using a DFT algorithm for analyzing audio data? DFT is slow but much less complicated than FFT. Nevertheless, a successful implementation should impress your teacher sufficiently. You could get your hands on a cheap DSP board and then code the ADC driver and the actual DFT algo yourself in assembly. The spectrum (just a few bins, depending on the performance of your hardware) could be output via UART to a host computer or displayed using LED bar graphs. Dunno, I like stuff that blinks and does practical stuff. :D
  • 1
    Pic is a good place to start as is avr in general there are many Dev boards for both, I use arduino or c for development but pic give free ide which I do believe allows you to use assembler.

    I created a thermostat for my shed recently that monitors temperature and stores the last 48 hours of readings and when it drops below set temperature it turns on a heater. It has wifi and a web interface that allows you to change the set point and view a graph of temperature over the last 48 hours.

    Just a simple idea
  • 1
    I feel your pain. That was probably the most challenging subject from what I remember of my uni course.
  • 1
    @shredEngineer Well, this one looks very interesting. Thank You. But any good websites where I can find some good tutorials, or at least some basics to start with?
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    @philcr Seems very interesting. Thanks!
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    @iLikeToast This course will make me suffer, ain't it?
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    Play TIS-100 the greatest programming game about assembly and microprocessors you will get it. (They didn't pay me money to say this 😛)
  • 1
    @Marnsghol Damn! I never knew anything like this exists! Thanks!
  • 1
    @ASabbir Just don't get too hooked up on it and forget your real work okay ? 😁
  • 0
    @Marnsghol Yeah, sure. 😋
  • 1
    @ASabbir See StackOverflow questions 6269756 :)
  • 0
    @shredEngineer Thanks a Lot 🙂
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