
I'm needing an idea for a new project. I began tinkering with one of my old C# projects and I'm just **disgusted** with the amount of crap in there.

What do you guys think, should I finish it or move on?

Any good ideas on how to find another idea for a new project?

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    I don't know, I don't really like windows form, I'd rather type down the syntax to generate the windows. The way it is I'm always having to design these forms and wrap them onto another, and I end up with a bloated solution explorer.

    It's a mess
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    Why winforms btw?

    But sure finish it if you expect to learn something new from it
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    @juzles yeah, I've been thinking about implementing one feature here or there when I have a time. Nothing of massive coding for hours, that should do the trick.

    I used Winforms cause I thought wpf would be harder.
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