
<rant about devRant>
Can people please stop posting images stolen from someone else trying to get some points. I'm here to read rants and other interesting things you encounter while working with software development, not look at memes. Thank you.
</rant about devRant>

  • 2
    I concur with your meta-Rant
  • 2
    What sorting method do you use?
  • 0
    shitposts. shitposts everywhere.
  • 0
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    Down vote them so the algo kicks it.
  • 2
    Was gonna post something saying the same but didn't know how the community would feel about it. It's like all that's happened is 9gag or funnyjunk has released a newly branded and skinned app. If I wanna see/read xkcd comics I'll go to xkcd.
  • 1
    Honestly, the rants about the dupes are also starting to get a little stale. They've already acknowledged it needs improvement, but solving the problem the right way is tricky!
  • 2
    Exactly what @mclark1129 said. We're working on it. If it bothers you a lot, then I'd definitely suggest using the algo sort instead of recent. If you don't mind seeing a few repeated/bad posts, then use recent.

    It's a very complicated thing to solve. A little bit earlier someone complained and then the next rant they wrote was of a type other people complained about a little earlier. This is why we're looking towards personalization rather than a one size fits all solution.
  • 2
    Also, rants like these really accomplish very little I think. From what I've seen the problem is almost entirely amongst new users who post and are posting stale/sub-par content. None of those people will see this rant post likely until after they post it.
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    #devrantDrama #makeDevRantGreatAgain
  • 1
    @dfox perhaps include information about what makes a good/bad rant in some sort of introduction splash screen.

    I know it's not a very constructive post. but I get so frustrated seeing old memes on devRant :/
  • 3
    @simeg that's a good idea and we're thinking of doing something like that.

    We pushed out a new version tonight that offers a breakdown of the top sort by week, month and all time. One of the goals with that is to make popular current content easily visible in hopes of trying to remove some duplicates (I think it's helping a little so far).

    We can also easily maybe link to top or some screen with popular content.
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