I feel like working in Visual Studio is gonna lead to me developing really bad habits. Whenever I save, VS locks up for about 15 seconds, completely killing my momentum when I'm used to habitually saving all the time. I'm starting to consider not saving my work as often, despite knowing it'll come to bite me in the ass eventually.

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    @GinjaNinja Yup. We upgraded from 2010 recently, and I hoped the problem would be solved. I was mistaken.
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    This does not happen for me thankfully. I couldn't deal with that. Lol
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    I'm glad it's at least not a universal thing. But I'm struggling with it, so I'm taking more time to think about what I want to code before writing it. So maybe it's for the best if it encourages good practises like thinking before typing. 😝
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    How big is the solution? Number of projects?

    Then again, perhaps wait for VS2017... the RC seems pretty zippy!
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    A single project. I'm inclined to blame DevExpress, the plugin (?) we use, but I can't be sure.
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    We use it for web stuff, I wasn't aware of CodeRush (I haven't worked there long.)

    I'll check it out tomorrow.
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    Try VS2017RC
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