
When you look back at Code from your 2nd year of university...

Using while loops as if statements to check for vowels... *shudders in fear*

  • 2
    Any chance of using a regex in 'that'? As soon as I have to do anything with text I use regexes.
  • 1
    Well, by the time Tvowel has finished, vCount might have changed to true 🕵🏻🕵🏻🕵🏻🕵🏻
  • 0
    @dfox the pattern is emerging =D
  • 2
    Best thing must'be been reading the comment right above.

    "If you can think of a better way to organize this let me know"
  • 0
    @DustInCompetent yeah that made me laugh cause I can make it better 20 different ways with 19 bad solutions with the right way
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