
Those who are into web. What do you think is the best web framework? In terms of easy to set up, easy to learn easy to use and general pros and cons?

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    I use WordPress as a framework for web and Laravel for applications.
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    Laravel fore the win, or Lumen, Spark or Passport depends. but choose from those.
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    Laravel / Lumen for the backend (with several of their packages) and Vue for the UI of the backend. And since the project I'm working on is a cms with a decoupled frontend it's pretty much everything you'll find in the web that can talk to a REST API for the frontend. (The standard deployment package has a vue based frontend but we're currently evaluating react and react native as well. )
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    I love polymer and web components in general. It's not a framework and that's probably the best part of it, it's just a library on top of the web components api, so you get all of the benefit of using the code inside the browser (unless is older and you have to use polyfills).
    Pro: easy to share and code. Easy to learn. Uses the platform.
    Cons: not good if you want to support IE10 or lower. Different concept from other frameworks, so it's easy to mess it up. Not much community support and UI implementation outside the official Google elements.
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    Thanks everybody! Haven't learned PHP so I think i'll be learning it soon🤔
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