"Can't we extract the UNIX from Linux and use it as our server operating system?"


Linux isn't even based on UNIX, but this piece of shit of a bitch of client was so freaking stubborn, and wanted a RAR file of UNIX from me

  • 7
    Linux is not Unix in legal terms.
    Technically, it's Unix-like.

    Unix is a registered trademark for a closed source operating system.

    Here is an article on the differences,

    Could tell your client to read it and see why it simply can't be done..
  • 0
    @Letmecode no.
    But I'm hoping he'd At Least read the title and notice the domain..

    Most know IBM as a good source as far as I'm concerned.

    Though I do fear, that I'm having too high hopes x)
  • 1
    The hardest part any job is convincing your customer (internal or external), if you can not do it then you suck, no matter how good you are at the rest of it.
  • 0
    what does extracting UNIX from Linux even mean?
  • 1
    @arunabhghosal Like Trying To take dos from windows
  • 4
    Step one: Send him openbsd in a .rar
    Step two: ???
    Step three: profit
  • 1
    Stop kissing his ass, tell him it's impossible and split :D
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