
so I called dell to ask a question about a laptop. after navigating their anoying automated system, I get a guy who can barely speak english. I ask my question which he didnt understand until I asked 4 more times. he finally understands and says "please hold on while I search. 10 minutes go by and I ask if he's still there. he says "yes, hold on" I finally ask how his search is going after another 5 minutes. he says "I couldn't find anything on google regarding your question... really dude!?!? I already searched google and came up with nothing helpfull. you're Dell and this is a Dell product. know your shit!

  • 6
    So what is the question?
  • 7
    rather stupid question but I have been messing with a dell latitude e5540 for fun and noticed it had a EC port on the side. so ive been looking for cards just to see what was out there.
    cant find a whole lot and dell's website isnt a lot of help so I figured id just call and ask. he googled it. literally. I told him i'd already done that and was just trying to see if dell offered anything in that way. lol. but the guy was no help. oh well, not like it was work related. just trying to have some fun.
  • 15
    Pro tip to talk to a human in an automated service, mash # and * and it will say something like: "your having trouble with this, patching you through to an operator".
  • 5
    This works until you get one of those annoying voice recognition systems. Normally in that case you can say operator and it will go through, if not make random sounds at it until it gives up, they normally fall back to touch tone or a human at that point.
  • 8
    @querellaMMXII exactly, just speak French to it and try and break it.
  • 1
    Risking a flame war, this one earned me a vote for Apple. I'm primarily a Windows user, but when I call support for my MacBook those guys are smart, articulate, and genuinely helpful.
  • 0
    Windows and android are my go-to's as well but the tech support for a lot these products is a fail.
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