
A designer/developer got offended of a joke about "designers". The React team removed it.

  • 12
    @Letmecode you beat me to it. The username just screams "omg everything offends me.. I need my safe space".
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    @Letmecode I think the React team made a mistake. You can't please narcissists.

    Turns out *she* created the pull request: https://github.com/facebook/react/...
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    How can you be offended for someone else?
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    @Letmecode I am considering to ask that directly but something tells me to leave it.
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    @Letmecode I know what is better but these kind of people are the worst and give real feminists a bad name.
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    @Letmecode I myself want equal rights for both but do this from a gender neutral perspective as it's important not to have biases.

    Men and woman are not quite equal but it's getting better...slowly.

    I see areas where men have less rights and don't see that getting talked about so it's certainly not just a female problem.

    All of your points are valid except feminism is about equality for both from the perspective of a woman.

    The problem is it's meaning has been skewed into something a lot more insidious.
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    @Letmecode good thing I don't do either ;p
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    @nblackburn to be fair about what you're saying. It's not entirely true becausw even when rights are equal people make choises for themselves. Some jobs, hobbies etc. Tend to attract more of a specific gender than the other.

    Other than that the mindset of both genders differ so it entirely depends on who is looking at what ;)
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    @sanse1992 I feel as though you misunderstand my intentions here. What i believe in is "EQUAL RIGHTS" meaning everyone has the same chance.

    That does not take into consideration preferences, tastes and opinions which is what you are alluding to.
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    @Letmecode in an earlier reply where you mentioned facebook and twitter. I replied before how far the the discussion had developed
  • 4
    @nblackburn I understand your intentions. The point I'm trying to make is that equal rights will hardly ever be a thing because of how people work. There will always be areas when one has slightly less rights than the other. There will always be a group that throws a hissy fit over something which was seemingly changed in favor for the other gender when all it actually does it trying to even it out.

    I'm all for equal right don't get me wrong, but I highly doubt it'll ever happen unless people stop feeling privileged, start appreciating what they have and start to respect each other like equals.
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    @nblackburn First of, let me apologize for the possible confusion in my replies to you, I was on my way home trying to type stuff hastily because my phone was about to die, but I'm home now.

    What I've been trying to say is that a lot of these "issues" are because of the mindset most people have in that regard. Most of the cases I can think of both genders have an equal chance, at least lawfully. However thanks to the general preferances of the genders groups of people claim that it's not true.

    The things people throw a hissy fit about is al from their own perspective and mostly irrelevant to actual problems. Most of them fail to understand that there are more factors to take into account.
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    @sanse1992 I never said we ever acheive such a thing but i try and make sure everyone around me is treated fairly.
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    @sanse1992 I understand what you are saying about people that are making issues out of seemingly nothing but those in my eyes are fake and often have a hidden agenda.

    I also get it's not 2 dimensional and that men and women both have things they are best suited to.

    The problem is that if someone approaches one of these roles which society has assigned a gender to they often find it harder to become successful in said role because of societal pressure (like a man wanting to study beauty or a woman wanting to become a mechanic).
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