
Dude you've been in college for 4 years and you still don't know how to make a for loop in C. Why are you still here?!! I hate it when I have to carry 2-4 of these people every semester because of "group projects"!

  • 20
    This really bothers me. I can understand not being a great programmer in school, but being effectively worthless in programming at that point in your education is... really bad. I don't really know who to blame. Did their education fail them or are they just lazy? Either way, self motivation and practice is necessary, school or not. Moments like these make that more obvious than ever.
  • 23
    You'll definitely meet these folks at work. They'll try to take credit for your work and bitch about you for working way too hard. They think they're smarter than you by doing limited / no work and they'll play politics or try to "climb the ladder" without effectively contributing anything. All I can tell you is.. FUCK THESE PEOPLE! You do you and try to throw that asshole under the bus, tractor or aeroplane if he / she tries take credit for more than what they deserve.
  • 2
    Are you serious? Thats a big red flag.
  • 9
    Ha ha! Try working with them at a big company. We hire developers who can't even code "hello world" without help.
  • 5
    @deusprogrammer Why would you hire them?!
  • 0
    @deusprogrammer lol I would fire them within the first hour haha
  • 3
    Dude, just do everything yourself and shine when it is time to present / defend the project. If you're gonna be doing it alone anyways, the least you can do is actually get done with it alone (as opposed to keep on pointlessly meeting with these people waiting for input that will never come). Well yeah, depends on the project
  • 2
  • 6
    Exactly what I have been experiencing last two years. My college loves giving out group projects. They are really simple ones but somehow nobody is able to do it except for a couple of people. Then everyone will beg for them to do their work
  • 3
    @flag0 as long as they show the money then we talk 😜
  • 3
    This was the biggest pain with group projects in college. And even if my groupmates knew how to write a loop, they didn't know why we needed them. So ultimately it was always my responsibility to do everything by myself and not rely on my group members for the simplest of tasks.
  • 3
    This happens with me too, people know that i don't like shitty work and in group projects i just do their work if the person responsible for it has not done it. Now people deliberately don't do shit when they're in my group. My comeback, working alone, at least the profs have given me that freedom.
    Fuck you lazy ass not motivated to do anything on your own assholes. 🖕
  • 3
    @rjcrystal that was my life story in uni.
  • 0
    @honeyBadgerJeff yea I did that back in college... Bschool except I picked to use coding for a lot of my projects (programming == scale) but I was the only one that actually knew what I did
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