Note to JavaScript beginners:
Dont use vanilla JS, use ECMAscript6 or typescript.

Its so much better

  • 2
    Reaaaally depends on what you're used to. If you're used to working with dynamically typed languages I wouldn't use ts. Also: ES is just the language definition, doesn't say anything about libraries/frameworks/etc.
  • 1
    @teganburns No, that's what a library (e.g. jQuery) is for. A framework provides a structure to write your code in. This could for example be by separating it into models, views and controllers. You can use multiple libraries but you can (generally) use only one framework.
  • 0
    @teganburns Happy to help :)
  • 1
    ++ this. I just started to work myself trough the typescript documentation today as I wanted to learn some new things after years of using vanilla js or jquery and as of now its really awesome. I general I can say there is so much nice stuff going on in the world of js that I have missed in the past years as a php developer.
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