
I would say world peace, but that's had unlimited money and time into it and still failing, so I'll go for a sentient robot unicorn.

  • 1
    Ha, world peace, good luck with those Trump late night tweets ...
  • 0
    What color would you make the horn?
  • 0
    *slow claps*
  • 0
    @yusijs Black, like my soul.
  • 0
    @divil How can you have a consciousness if I have to make you unconscious for the copying?
  • 0
    What lacks for "world peace" is political will, they just don't give a fuck and everyone prefer to act as spoiled child (most are..) and keep pointing fingers instead of resolving issues. Most likely the majority of the human race...
  • 0
    @divil if its cp it isn't you 😛
  • 0
    @divil it has the same content but isn't the same thing, you could make a symbolic link o.O :)
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