
I have in my head parts of a game, I'd love to build. A top-down space colonization game. You control various spacecrafts and build spacestations etc. to expand your control.
The catch is that you have limited direct controls in-game. Most of the "gameplay" consists of having your own piece of software running somewhere, communicating with the API and controlling your colony.
Similar to Screeps, but I don't like the limitations of writing JavaScript and uploading it to the service. I'd love for the user to have free control of what language to use. They just need to be able to create a TCP socket and communicate with the API

  • 1
    This sounds, freaking awesome !
  • 2
    I would definitely play this
  • 2
    If I could find the time to get a minimum viable product ready, I might start recruiting help here.
    Its just that finding time is hard with a demanding job and a newborn at home
  • 1
    @eldamir I would definitely try to help you. :)
  • 1
    Please build it. I would play that.
  • 0
    Sounds pretty cool!
  • 0
    Dude that sounds sick.
    If you start recruiting, i'd love to help!
  • 2
    Kickstart this project at once! Don't under estimate the power of crowd funding
  • 5
    Ayyy I'm in!
    Backend development to the rescue!
    Make it a REST api and off we go
  • 0
    Do it! I would definitely contribute to this project!!
  • 0
    @mansdahlstrom1 will need to actually have something to show before attempting kickstarter. That'll come later in the process 😉
  • 0
    You could open source it and have everyone contribute, and since the player base would be devs mostly I'm sure you'd find lots of help.

    Anyway, I'd definitely play this.
  • 1
    @osmarks I definitely intend to make it open source. I imagine having a small team of trustees deciding what goes into master, and let Travis deploy updates continually or something.
    However, to be able to have some sense of direction with the project, I think I need to do some of the groundwork first 😊
    If ever I get started, I'll start a Slack team and invite you guys. I feel like that would be a smart place to start
  • 1
    Collab is now a feature, try posting this there?
  • 0
    @eldamir any updates?
  • 1
    Nothing substantial yet. Bern hard to find the time. Maybe it will be possible over the summer
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    @uziiuzair @Kimmax @castor-rg @Yast2 Alright guys, can't wait 'til I get more time. That will never happen. If you want to help out in any capacity, here is the info you'll need. I've laid out a very coarse roadmap for what I imagine. I'll be adding more details continuously. I already have some old javascript crap code, that might get a simple GUI ready for testing quickly. The game will start out super simple. Mostly a tech demo. Then we'll go from there. The more skillful people we find, the better it all can get. I've started a slack channel for discussion (email me for invite at nielsen.ruben@gmail.com). And the project is hosted on Github
    (Game name => Pun intended :) )
  • 0
    @eldamir Is the Github repo for the GUI client or server?
  • 0
    Both. Might separate it later, but for now, it can benefit from being in one place. Trying to keep it as simple as possible until things take flight
  • 0
    Looking forward to working on it.

    P.S. send you an e-mail.
  • 0
    Hey, do you wanna make it a 2d game? Im an alright artist and i might be able to draw assets (gallery on instagram under the same username)
  • 0
    @RazorSh4rk I'm thinking 2D top-down. So that would be great. I'll have a look at your stuff and feel free to request an invite to slack 😊
  • 0
    I emailed you @eldamir
    Stoked to join the project!
  • 0
    I thought it's an awesome idea ever since I've written first bot for Ultima Online (long time ago)... for a single player. For multiplayer it's complicated.

    Imagine Screeps switched to API. Player's client has to be hosted now because Screeps server needs orders for the room 24/7. The player base just went down to people who have hosting (and know how to use it), the cost of playing just went up, debugging requires a local Screeps server, also now it's a pay2win because players who don't buy hosting loose. So Screeps starts to offer free hosting with easy scripts upload. Now they're a hosting service and they *have to* have restrictions, can't just blindly evaluate submitted code on host. At this point it's easier to do what Screeps did, i.e. have evaluator in the engine.

    Good luck, I want to play it, all I'm saying is it's harder than it seems.

    BTW I code Screeps in PHP and convert to JS on save then test on local server - no issues, no restrictions.
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