To decode mind and access it to 100% of it's abilities..

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    The brain already uses 100% of it's abilities when you calculate something. The misbelief came through a movie...
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    @ScribeOfGoD https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/... Go to "Analysis", and you can also google it yourself to find answers elsewhere.
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    @filthyranter Then why there is different IQ's of all humans and it can increase or decrease during lifetime according to their habits
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    @a2hunter Because all people has different amount of brain cells I would assume. Which is also what's causing the increase and decrease rather than the capacity being used. But that's just a guess
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    There are lots of different variables for why some people are 'smarter' than others. It is however not due to them having unlocked some secret part of the brain, they just use it differently (or simply use it). Evolution would not have you carry around a large brain that steals almost half of your energy for growth during your childhood unless it was being used. The 'we only use 10% of our brains' is nonsense, but ideas, no matter how stupid, can spread like wildfire.
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    Myth busters did an investigation into this and found that on any given task as much as 40% (I think that was the top end) of the brain was being used, but a different task would have a different 40% being used.

    I believe the brain is made up of four nodes, frontal, occipital, pariatal, temporal and each is used for a specific purpose (I am not a neurologist) and since each lobe has a specific function it makes sense that specific combinations of areas light up under testing.

    Also the brain has some redundancy built in which allows it to be damaged (to a degree) and it continue to function. Obviously it isn't indestructible and it just doesn't have the ability to repair from a high impact automobile accident, but yeah. Humans use more than 10% of their brain, it's a myth that's been busted not just by the myth busters but the wider medical community, but people like to believe what they were told as kids.
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    Basically humans are born with 3apps in their brain== eat sleep and poop.(see babies)

    Everything else humans can do is an add-on software that can be downloaded.

    If you have a slower brain just allocate more resources on that download. Assuming the system unit does not shut down forever to the end of time, you can theoritically download everything.
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    @a2hunter if I use 100% of brains and become supergenius then if I use 100% of muscles then I become invincible? Or if I use 100% of my intestines I can fart a tornado?
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    @maximizer @vtepe Its not about having maximum, it's about control over the maximum...
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    @maximizer we actually use a lot less than our full strength. If we could access the strength that's obvious when we get a cramp we'd be able to deadlift impressive amounts :) The first gains you make with weights is usually only activating the nervous system to be able to actively control more of your full strength.
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    @Elkstorm how could one access more of fart strength? I want to literally blow someone away.
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    @maximizer Tried pea soup? ;)

    A few notes though:
    - recoil. You will put the same force on yourself as on the target. You need some sort of anchoring.
    - pressure. I'd say it's unlikely that the tissue of your body could sustain the pressure buildup that would be required.
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    @Elkstorm damn.. you're absolutely right! It's gonna be a one shot, all or nothing. Going to practice aim with pea soup
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    Fact: A good way to use the full brain capacity is to calculate difficult math formulas in your head while having sex
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    @filthyranter Now that is a fork..
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