
Is just mine or every project manager thinks that developers are magicians and can actually develop stuff in a very unrealistic timeline.?

  • 5
    Screw non-dev PMs!
  • 4
    My least favorite question (though really not a question) has to be: "It really wouldn't be hard to build XYZ, right?"
  • 2
    It's recently decided a 6 month time frame is enough. The project took other accounts 1.5 - 2 years. Good thing I'm leaving before this ship sinks. 😊
  • 4
    I mean we kind of are magicians aren't we?
  • 2
    @dontPanic Of course, but even magicians can't just use some magic and immediately dominate the world or something.

    Voldemort learned that the hard way.
  • 4
    Weird thing at work today , my PM told a UI developer to create a AI bot to predict customer's move :D felt like jumping off the roof in an infinite loop
  • 1
    @avnsri4986 This should be on its own rant. :))
  • 0
    @setyadi yeah but felt more apt here 8)
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