React is so goddamn complicated please tell me all of this is actually worth it once you scale it up

  • 6
    If you are working on small project I will say go for vue.

    For bigger project, react is definitely worth it. Along with redux, router and server side rendering it's just so organized.

    If you need a boilerplate or starter project you can use mine:

  • 3
    I just hate how React mixes view and controller together with no clear separation. What's wrong with using Vue for larger projects?
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    @deusprogrammer I felt the same way at first, coming from a MVC background. But it turns out their design decision is very logical. Because in the end, UI logic and view is tightly coupled, no matter if you split them or not. It's about separation of CONCERNS, not files. React's approach is much more smart: making them into small, reusable components. I'd strongly recommend on reading about presentational and container components first, in which you can reuse the view part with different logic by wrapping the same view component in a different container component.
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    @deusprogrammer React is MV not MVC so the model is the sole source of truth. I like it personally, it makes things simpler imo and I really like the state management with a Flux/Redux architecture
  • 2
    To answer the original question. It is worth it, stick at it. To get started though I'd use create-react-app and eject it (so you control all your dependences). I'd also check out Wes Bos's series on Redux after you've got the basics of React down. It'll teach you about React Router and how to handle state etc
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    I took an online course about react and really liked it. However , I couldn't figure out how the hell redux works. Now I'm working with angular 2 and it seems so much natural to me. Typescript is a blessing from God. No more hashes containing functions that pretend to be a class.
  • 0
    Make sure you're using redux
  • 0
    React get better the more you use it but personal I think it is still to young and needs a lot more optimisation before it will be production useable
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    @adamjones353 I have to disagree if I'm honest, it's not that young. Also Facebook are using it for a start and I also know a large security firm using it. Imo it's the best JS framework out there and that's largely because of how production ready it is and the community around it (aside from the nice implementation of it)
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