
For fuck's sake Adobe, just do the damn Photoshop version for linux.

  • 8
    Use gimp haha :D
  • 2
    Switch to windows.
  • 2
    They wont. They are like Microsoft of design industry.
  • 4
    If they did I would go back to linux immediately but for now I'm on mac
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    @orkhanfarmanli Microsoft isn't the Microsoft it used to be with it's push towards linux though
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    @liammartens agreed nadella did a few things right
  • 6
    Adobe will never do that, they are far to busy counting their infinite money.
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    My hope is on affinity. At least they have mac client with win client in beta.
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    @monolithicblob I have been with the since day 1, can't fault them
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    @monolithicblob I thought that the win version is out of beta by now.
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    Would it be that hard to not be worth?
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    @negidrex I think they want something that actually works
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    I thought GIMP was magical?
  • 3
    See how so much of Photoshop hasn't changed since 2002? That's because no one that still works at Adobe understands that code. They're an old company with a healthy user base that know those tools, just the way they are. That results in code that is *sacred* and no developer dare touch it.

    So, to be blunt, I think they can't go to Linux. It isn't that they don't want to, they're simply incapable.
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    @stisch To be honest they so could. I mean just look at Adobe XD (which is a new piece of software). There is no Linux version planned either even though XD has been built from the ground up.
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    @Ubbe I wish I loved GIMP. :( I don't though, I got too attached to Photoshop.

    They make Gimpshop which claims to turn GIMP into Photoshop, but all it really does is make GIMP less useful for GIMP users.
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    @stisch GIMPShop's last release was... over 10 years ago ;)
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    Yes please! And especially InDesign, there is no equivilent of it on linux. Yes there is Scribus but it is one of the crappiest piece of software ever made. I've get nightmares of that UI every 5 years or so, when I think to give it a try again.

    @stisch Didn't Adobe change a lot under the hood with Adobe CC? I've read that the programms now run on a modified Node.js version. Which should be great for scripting and automation?
  • 0
    No fuck, Keep Adobe out of me
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