
What's the longest line numbers that you guys have saw in a code?

  • 2
    Somewhere in WordPress.. Probably the parse function in the query class -_-
  • 1
    I'm so going to beat this 😂
    I'll post a photo of it tomorrow ... Stay tuned
  • 0
    I guess if counting minified files, then that's where :p
  • 3
    Maybe 10,000 in a .cpp file.
  • 1
    Lately its one js file we have at just under 5k lines.

    But i remember seeing 10k+ a long time ago.
  • 2
    All from real client projects.
    Css: +35000
    Js (before concat): +40000
    PHP: +11000

    I have worked as an APM consultant for years, so did see some crazy shit.
  • 0
    C#: about 14000 lines
  • 0
    11000 with dodgy formatting.
  • 0
    A 5000 line conditional check. No jokes. The whole file is bigger.
  • 1
    Large files are usually an indicator for bad code. There is always a way to break down your code, make it more modular, understandable and readable. Even css (sass). Just leaving this here... *Flying away*
  • 0
    On github I found some one-file projects. I practiced on a 2000rows text editor project
  • 0
    @starless this was the norm in a lot of legacy C/CPP I used to work in. There were attempts to spread it out to multiple files, I think it was something like save, save2, save3. Fortunately the new stuff was a bit more informed, but the old stuff still needed to work.
  • 0
    We had to make a simple project of animations using GLUT and C++ in class. Some people's code went upto 15,000 lines. But mostly because of bad formatting and inefficient code.
  • 0
    I have written a 50,000+ line xslt file before.

    I love it when someone asks for a change.
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