
A few weeks ago I posted about attempting to learn vim. It was hard to get started, but holy shit I'm glad I stuck with it.

I'm by no means an expert(pretty far from it), but I'm trying to learn new commands to use each day. I actually look forward to opening up my terminal and typing. I can say that in a few short weeks, I already feel faster than in my old text editor.

Oh, and tmux is awesome too!

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    Customize your .Vimrc and tmux.conf. That's where the fun starts.😉
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    Sadly vims input is to slow for me... I mistype constantly... So i will use sublime, IMHO the fastest...
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    I just discovered tmux too... They are a wonderful combination :D
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    @arkokoley I've been slowly building up my .vimrc. Haven't messed around with the .tmux.conf much yet though.
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    If you're working on multiple computers you can create a git repository for your configs. That way it's very easy to personalize your workflow. Take this for example: https://github.com/sirjofri/dotvim
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    @sirjofri yours is really small, I'm really impressed how mine is bigger compared to it, lol
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    @vhoyer i had another bigger one, but it was very old and i didn't code a year, so I decided to create a new one. It also is good to have a smaller one, especially when you are working on other computers. You are able to work with plain vim without special configs... It always depends...
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    @sirjofri I have a vim repo setup on Github. I have my plugins as sub modules and then just sym link ~/.vimrc to ~/.vim/vimrc
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    @setleaf the symlink is clever, didn't thought about it. As a result I ended up making a repo in ~ haha
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