Not going to one because crowds give me panic attacks unless I've had a beer or ten

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    You should come to Germany and go to hackathons. Free beer 😎
  • 4
    @FunctionalAsF harder to get in as a skilled individual than an economic refugee
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    @MattMatt Ah yes, true. What's an economic refugee, though? O.o
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    @FunctionalAsF someone who flees their country due to the economic situation in said country. They gain refugee status by claiming to be of a different nationality.
    A prime example are Mahgrebians (<= not sure if that is a word) claiming to be Syrian or Kurdish in order to get Asyl and stay in Germany.
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    @vringar Oh, okay. Didn't know that. I meant more like a vacation 😁
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    @FunctionalAsF I don't want to get too political, but even a tourist visa might be harder to come by than to let yourself get smuggled in via Spain or Italy. If you really want to come visit Germany and have no time to get a visa, travel to Spain, learn how to speak broken ass English, get brown, burn your passport and come.
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    @vringar Haha, chill mate. It was just a light-hearted suggestion 😋 As for me, I'm from Germany anyway. Mainz, to be exact
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