
I used vim, Sublime and most recently vscode. I had Webstorm lying around for about 2 months now, and I'd really like to switch to it but it's constant fight, and not one im winning either... :(

Any advice from fellow "devs who rant" ?

  • 2
    I'm using Atom at the minute. Found it great for Angular as there is an Angular plugin for it
  • 0
    @thmnmlst @practiseSafeHex
    Actually i expected some plugin names or settings tricks or overarching explanation, not "use something else" ;>
  • 0
    Do it like me, phpstorm for projects and a Texteditor of your choice for files. Plugins for the ide I can recommend well... gitignore the rest is up to preference but there are plugins for every bigger framework
  • 0
    Atom if your computer can handle it, if not, use Notepad++,SciTe,Gedit(I think I didn't spell that correctly)
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    @thmnmlst +1 for VSCode. Cross platform makes it a dream to work with.
  • 0
    If you have a decent PC then like atom or brackets they just require more than sublime but they have a lot of add-ons that are amazing!
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