
I got a lot of crazy ideas and I am starting a lot of different projects. But I always start at developing the complete backend. Which is my strength. So in my opinion the product is ready to use, technically it works. Wouldn't there be the front-end .. It always ends in a total disaster when i try to create one that is beautiful. I just want to write freaking clean HTML5 code with any nasty CSS Framework. Any advise how i can overcome my anger?

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    Buy a bat (or gun if you are in the US) and start smashing stuff until you feel better.
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    I tend to write whatever is necessary but ugly with a glass of whiskey next to me. I don't get drunk or anything, but I've found it helps to take the edge off.
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    Keep it minimalistic. What I don't like is the overkill use of Angular and other SPA frameworks. Do you really need it?

    In my opinion, using frameworks where it's needed combined with some server rendered pages (mvc or whatever) will get your website working just fine and smooth as if you spent 400 hours tweaking your JS.

    Don't overkill the design, less is more.
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    @viking8 your are right. my approach is now to make a minimalistic html without any styling and first just see what basic I/O i need and how much of js is really necessary. thank you!
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