Recently I started coding a project for my school with two of my friends. The first one is a person which spends most of his time reading 4chan and joking about Pope, you know this kind of person. The second, Michael, is a really good partner for coding, he's just an opposite of Jedrzej, the first one. Jedrzej used to call people 'cancer' and this kind of sh**. Lately Michael said, that he's mother has breast cancer and he left our conversation on Facebook. Later I told Jedrzej, that he has to tell Michael 'sorry', but he wrote something stupid (doesn't matter what) and the situation only went wrong. At least I told them that they have to bury the hatchet and start working. The only problem here is that Michael and I made 99.7% of our project, Jedrzej only updated README and shared his VPS. I'm a full-stack dev, but our project is on laravel and I don't know what kind of sorcery is this framework so Michael does the back-end. My question to all of you who read this rant - what should I do with lazy Jedrzej?

  • 3
    Report him to your tutor?
  • 0
    @tahnik heh, we don't have a tutor. I'm a kind of project manager :^)
  • 3
    Go for a conversation in a group of you three and warn him to start doing work if not, kick him with the sign of your teacher if that makes sense. To have one, who's just watching and not working is the same as not to have him right?
  • 3
    if you can get your own vps and kick him, that would be great, else just warn him repeatedly... more like, bug the fuck of him
  • 0
    Thanks guys, hope this gonna work
  • 3
    First if all download the project before he gets angry and removes it from the vps (if not using git or anything like that). Secondly like the rest said, talk with them or kick him :)

    Good luck!
  • 6
    Get all the project files, talk to him. If he shuts down the VPS, contact me at jonas@coded-websites.be, I'll make sure you have one within the same day.
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